Ruby String class provides a method called upcase that converts all characters of a string to upper case. Ruby also provides an equivalent (downcase ) to convert all the characters of the string to lower case. The return value of upcase or downcase is a copy of the string with all the characters converted to upper or lower case. To convert the string in place, there are upcase! and downcase! . The gotcha comes from these two methods. If a string (say, "HELLO WORLD") is all upper case, then invoking upcase! on that string returns nil. This is different from how upcase and downcase function - they return a copy of the string even if all the characters are upper case. This could be a big gotcha!
Examples -
my_string = "Hello World"
my_string1 = "HELLO WORLD"
ret_val = my_string.upcase
ret_val1 = my_string1.upcase
Both ret_val and ret_val1 are "HELLO WORLD ".
Now, consider the following -
gotcha_string = "Hello World"
gotcha_string1 = "HELLO WORLD"
ret_val = gotcha_string.upcase!
ret_val1 = gotcha_string1.upcase!
Here, ret_val is "HELLO WORLD " whereas ret_val1 is "nil ".
We would expect ret_val1 to also be "HELLO WORLD ". So, if we used the bang versions of upcase and downcase like we would use the non-bang versions, we would be in for a rude surprise.
In my opinion, this violates the Principle of Least Surprise that Ruby supposedly adheres to.
Update I just want to clarify that the value of gotcha_string1 itself doesn't become nil, just the return value of calling that variable is nil. gotcha_string1 will still be "HELLO WORLD ". Its return value which is assigned to ret_val1 will be nil. As the commenter below suggests, do not use the "!" version of upcase or downcase in an assignment or do not depend on their return value.